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Ray Riesgo (1949) 
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49 - Class of 1949 
RAY RIESGO succumbed on Friday September 3, 1999 after a brave battle with lymphatic cancer. Ray, originally from Freeport Long Island, was the co-founder with me of the NYSMC track team and was a follower of track and field his entire life. Ray joined the U.S. Navy shortly after graduating and served aboard the battleship Mississippi. He then entered Federal employment at the Department of Commerce.

Ray was a distinguished expert on international trade and rose through the ranks of the the Bureau of International Trade in both domestic and foreign assignments. His last assignment prior to retiring was as Director of the organization with an office in Detroit. Ray was not only an avid athlete but a true renaissance person and his knowledge of languages and culture were his trademark.

He was best remembered on our summer training cruises because he could always strike up conversations with pretty ladies in foreign ports in their native language and introduce them to his eager shipmates. His sharply honed sense of humor and ready smile will be missed by one and all who ever came in contact with him. In my last conversation with him he wished the Class of 1949 a great Golden Anniversary at Homecoming and regretted that his health would not allow him to be there with us, but maybe for our next big reunion. The Supreme Captain of the Universe had other needs for Ray's services and called him early to stand his watches in heaven.

The Class of 1949 sends their sincerist condolences to the family of Ray.

Ed Dangler (1949)


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